Friday, 25 July 2014


You travel and come back to the world you thought you would leave behind for good.
But you come back only to find that nothings changed, but you have.
The people you left, still the same, the home you laid in, still the same, the boy, still the same.
The world around you has made no change.
So what now?

You try and reconnect with these people in a totally different and expanded mindset, but nothing seems to make sense to them. Conversations seem dull, and nothing interests you anymore. No one's teaching you anything new, or challenging you to be better.
How can I grow but not turn away from those that I care about? 

Do I run off and travel again to grow further apart from them, or do I simply accept the fact that I have outgrown the conditions that my people are happy to settle for.


I've come in contact with life changing experiences, that no one can understand but the people that have been there to witness it with me.
You try to explain why, how, when, what. But all you get back is "I don't get you"... This may be the time when I reflect and tell myself that this is just not my world anymore, and that everywhere else is.

No longer part of the social society that I used to call my home, my background.
But now, all the challenges that were so hard to bare, I have now grown to embrace them and now entwine them into my overwhelming new reality.

     "Your heart will always take the lead for the path of your true desires"

                                               -  Mimi 2014

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