Sunday, 23 January 2011

New material

Ive been away for a little while but it hasn't been in vain. Here's a few pieces I'd like to share.

 A mystical affair of Alexander McQueen’s A/W 01 collection
A numinous affair
By Mimi Brown

One of my beloved fashion shows of all time was the Alexander McQueen’s 2001 A/W show. The show was crammed with a collaboration of dark and sinister context, which consistently throughout, captivated and intrigued my viewing pleasure. The clown-face painted models and their theatrical whisked cone shaped hair styles, all contributed to this scary-go-round ordeal.

A mystifying darkness covers the stage; above, a swirl of orange light lingers on top of the models, and flickers of blue electric lights pierces through the stage. The setting is devious, a sacrifice to an after hours Halloween special. The stage is garlanded by a haunted house, dispersing a foreboding chain of clown face painted models with beehive hair, producing a modish reconstruction of a night with The Adam’s Family.

A slave to the ambiance, a model trails across the stage dragging a skeleton of a death gripping victim; while the other enslaved mindless models dance within the shelter of the creepy merry-go-round, eerily spinning in the centre of the stage.
Playing in the background is a soft chilling melody injected with a few strings of guitar, heavy breathing and a devilish laughter.

The sophistication of the evening dresses are entrancing; they are a dance of silks’, chiffon; mesh netting, lace and heavy embroidery. Their cut gives definition and clings to the body creating a supreme womanly elegance. A floor length pallid apple-green dress, bonded with a chiffon embellished cape, floats around the stage; captivating the fervently surveying spectators, bringing in a touch of light to this ominous and dark collection.


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